Picture tag: dusseldorf

Communications From a Cruise Ship

Communications From a Cruise Ship

One of the things we’ve quickly grown accustomed to in the 21st century is the ability to communicate with just about any person, any time. We’ve also grew used to the idea that whatever information we want is at our fingertips pretty much instantly. Our cell phones have more computing power than the computers that landed the Apollo capsules on the moon, and we take that for granted. Continue reading →

Posted by Donald Fink and Bonnie Fink in Blog, Cruising, 0 comments
Fitness Aboard a Cruise Ship

Fitness Aboard a Cruise Ship

For most cruises, use of the fitness center (gym), jogging and walking tracks, and wellness classes amounts to a token effort. We say this because the length of an average cruise is short enough that missing your normal daily workout during your cruise won’t have a major impact on your overall health. Continue reading →

Posted by Donald Fink and Bonnie Fink in Blog, Cruising, 0 comments
Free Style Dining NCL Style

Free Style Dining NCL Style

Free Style means, well, free style. You show up for dinner whenever you want just like you would at any other restaurant. For at least Norwegian Cruise Lines, the days of assigned seating times for dinner is over. You will normally be asked if you want to share a table which is probably because some people prefer to share a table. It’s a good way to meet others. Some folks, of course, prefer not to share. In either case, our experience has been that seating is done almost instantly, depending on the time of your arrival. As with any restaurant, you can expect a wait time if you show up during peak times. Continue reading →

Posted by Donald Fink and Bonnie Fink in Blog, Cruising, Featured, 0 comments
Cruise Pricing – What are the Extra Costs of a Cruise?

Cruise Pricing – What are the Extra Costs of a Cruise?

For many people, a cruise is a trip of a lifetime. It’s something folks dream about for years. For a large number of people taking cruises, it’s not something they do on a casual basis. They plan and save until they have enough to make the trip. Continue reading →

Posted by Donald Fink and Bonnie Fink in Blog, Cruising, Featured, 0 comments
Journey Across the Atlantic, An Introduction

Journey Across the Atlantic, An Introduction

As an introduction to this week’s series of blog entries, we thought we would start by explaining what’s to come. We’re on a cruise ship that left Miami Florida yesterday evening. We were scheduled to leave at around 5:00 PM, but the ship actually left the dock at around 7:15PM. We were loading supplies until that time. Not to worry though. We’re crossing the Atlantic and there’s plenty of time to make up our lost couple of hours before our first stop in Ponta Delgada, the Azores. Continue reading →

Posted by Donald Fink and Bonnie Fink in Blog, Cruising, Featured